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Posts by category
- Category: counties
- Category: Dublin
- Category: fun facts
- Category: getting started
- Category: history
- Category: Inspiring stories
- Category: Irish Lives Remembered
- Category: Names
- Category: News
- Facebook Live @ Five with Fiona Fitzsimons Cancelled
- A Special Thanks from Fiona Fitzsimons
- Publications Update: Last orders for 2020
- Dame Barbara Windsor’s Irish Roots
- President-Elect Joe Biden’s Irish Roots by Fiona Fitzsimons
- A Short Message from our Research Manager, Stephen Peirce
- Hidden gems in family stories: It was never about the buttermilk.
- How I Use DNA in Genealogy Research
- Update from the IFHC
- POSTCARD FROM IRELAND: Malahide Castle – Gardens, Ghosts, and a Walk Through Time
- Feisty Nichola Ann Cooke: emigration to Melbourne in the 1830s, not for the faint-hearted
- News cuttings: Plaque Reveal at Fagan’s Castle (Fingal Independent)
- Youth Connect in Kerry
- Genealogy and Geology Combine again in Patrick Roycrofts paper on Donegalite
- Herstory: Ireland’s EPIC Women
- The O’Donnells of Tyrconnell: A Hidden Legacy
- Intergenerational fun at the IFHC
- Christmas Opening Hours 2019
- Ulster Historical Foundation: Learn about your Irish Ancestors and “come home” in 2020
- Pitter Patter & Painting Christmas Memories
- First Quarter of Talks for 2020
- Happy Christmas from the Irish Family History Centre
- A Note of Thanks: 1-Day Intro Course at Galway City Museum
- Made Our Way Home (Stories from the Centre)
- New Educational Partners for IFHC
- Tales from Transition Year: My Week’s Work Experience at the IFHC
- Irish museum is a finalist to be World’s Leading Tourist Attraction for 2019
- Milwaukee Irish Fest
- Eileen Ó Dúill Recipient of the Laura G. Prescott Scholarship Winner
- EDUCATION: New Term for myStory
- Get Creative in the Dublin Docklands
- Irish Museums’ Association Education and Outreach Forum
- Story Shelf
- When Family Lore Meets Facts
- Reader’s Blog: A Genealogy Adventure, by Amanda Jones
- Schedule for Rootstech London announced
- Postcard from Ireland: Surprising Residents in Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands
- FLASH SALE at the IFHC – June Bank Holiday Weekend
- Discover Your Roots with Aer Lingus Vacation Store
- Discover an Irish Oral History Archive
- POSTCARD FROM (the edge of) IRELAND: Tory Island
- POSTCARD FROM IRELAND: Pearse Lyons Distillery
- Putting the ‘Family’ into Irish Family History Centre
- News Digest: March 2019
- 4-Week Genealogy Course Begins
- St. Patrick’s Day Competition Winner!
- End of year 2018-19 Course in Irish Family & Social History, Trinity College Dublin
- Digital Detectives at the Irish Family History Centre
- Competition: Win a FREE 1-Hour Consultation with the IFHC!
- POSTCARD FROM IRELAND: Carmel’s Adventures on Dublin Bay
- Thank you to the Royal Irish Academy
- New Data-base seeking information on Belgian refugees in the U.K. and Ireland during WWI
- POSTCARD FROM IRELAND: Seamus Heaney ‘Listen Now Again’
- Documents + DNA = Discovery
- Breaking down brick-walls.
- Surname Certificates at the Irish Family History Centre
- Gaisce Celebrations for the Central Remedial Clinic
- Seasons Greetings!
- Student Showcase (Trinity College Dublin)
- Behind the Scenes: Absolute Beginners Find a Trove of Ancestral Gold for Christmas!
- Christmas Opening Hours at the Irish Family History Centre
- What’s in a Surname?
- Donna Moughty’s Genealogy Research Group visits the Centre
- DRAW MY PAST Competition
- Get Yourself Ready! You’re Going to be Filmed with Tattoo Legend Mark Mahoney … in 10 Minutes!
- IFHC involved in new History Channel series
- Trinity course in Genealogy starting this month with Fiona Fitzsimons
- Introduction to Irish Family and Social History
- Irish Family and Social History – Intermediate
- A New TY Term for GENEius Pathways
- Rootstech is coming across the pond!!
- Events on at PRONI
- Heritage Week at EPIC! The Irish Emigration Museum
- Client Testimonial: New Online Consultation Service
- EPIC participates in NYC launch for UN Security Council seat
- Stick Your Nose into Rachmaninoff’s Business! Or Whoever.
- Why Family History Matters
- Heritage Week Events with Fiona Fitzsimons
- News Digest: July 2018
- Behind the Scenes: DNA Test Revealed Some Surprising Relatives…
- News Digest: May 2018
- Behind the Scenes: Online Consultations Start at the Irish Family History Centre.
- Meitheal 2018
- Finding Your Irish Ancestor in the British Military Records: A Case Study
- The Preacher and the Prelate
- Finding Your “Known” using “Unknown”. A Lesson from Henry Shackleton’s Children
- Online Consultations now available on the IFHC Website
- St. Patrick’s Festival: Time-Travelling Treasure Hunt!
- Visit of President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins
- Mark Hamill’s Irish Ancestry
- News Digest: March 2018
- POORHOUSE Screening at IFI
- Family History Treasure Hunt
- EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum and Irish Family History Centre combination ticket offer
- Thank You for Signing Up!
- Roostech 2018, Salt Lake City
- New Issue of Irish Lives Remembered Released!
- Online Consultations Launching on the IFHC Website This Month
- Behind the scenes: Charlemont Terrace
- Behind the Scenes: The Genealogist, the Husband, his Wife, and her Passion
- DNA Got Me Talking to a Descendent of my Carrawaystick Great-Great Granduncle
- News Digest: February 2018
- On the road to Rootstech 2018
- Solving an Unusual Surname: A Seaman’s Romance, and a Fictional Detective
- GENEius for Primary Schools – IFHC at IPPN
- Behind the Scenes: “I Can’t Find Neugle McGuigan – Help!”
- News Digest: Feb 2018
- 2017: a year in Family History
- Department of Foreign Affairs Event at EPIC Museum
- News Digest: Jan 2018
- Historian in Residence for EPIC Museum
- Rootstech 2018
- The Murder of an Irish Revolutionary Ancestor: Killer was a Future Neighbour of the Family!
- Behind the Scenes: “I learned more about my family in the last 30 minutes than in the last 10 years!”
- A Thank You from our Research Manager
- A Christmas Miracle…in August
- Behind the Scenes: Helping Neighbour gives us a Lesson in Census versus Institution Information
- Santa Claus’s Irish Ancestry
- Work Experience for a Budding Genealogist
- Behind the Scenes: I Cursed You for Months After My DNA Test. Please Accept a Box of “Aungier Danger” Doughnuts!
- Irish Surnames and Sources Seminar Resounding Success
- News Digest: Dec 2017
- Developing research skills in Irish Family History: Intermediate to advanced.
- Behind the Scenes: A Visitor Reveals a Surprise Connection Between my Husband and Work Colleague!
- Some Genealogy Advice: Use your Legs; Share your Tree with Close Family
- Searching Irish Military Records
- How 19th Century Emigrants Carried their Money
- Behind the Scenes: Sometimes We Find Nothing – But Not Because Nothing Can Be Found
- Fiona Fitzsimons re-elected to the APG Board
- APG Open-Day, Limerick City
- Behind the Scenes: The Natural … and the Supernatural at the IFHC
- If You Want to Get Ahead – Get a Head Stone
- Thank you for taking part!
- Fiona Goes West
- Behind the Scenes: It Took Two Genealogists to Crack the Case of a Missing Grandfather
- Finding a Wandering Family: Using the ‘More Search Options’ Census Button
- Behind the Scenes: Scots Irish Deer-skin Trader Married Two Native Americans, but his Family were from County Armagh
- Genealogy Advocate Catherine Murphy (TD) visits the Irish Family History Centre
- Heritage Week: Exploring Genealogy and more
- PDST TY Co-Ordinator Picnic
- WIN big with our short survey
- Publications Update
- October 2018 – American Genealogy Research Trip to Dublin or Belfast, Ireland
- Meath Beo, 4th September, Hill of Tara
- Behind the scenes at The IFHC: Pronunciation
- The Irish Family History Centre at Milwaukee Irish Fest
- September Expert Workshop with Lar Joye, National Museum of Ireland
- Honouring & Identifying Your Emigrant on American Immigrant Wall of Honor
- Behind the scenes at The IFHC: Trudeau’s Visit
- Genealogy Course at Trinity College Dublin
- 2017 APG Professional Management Conference
- My Busman’s Holiday: A Genealogists’ Genealogical Holiday to New York
- Behind the scenes at The IFHC: ¿hablas español?
- The Odd Perk of Being a Genealogist at the Irish Family History Centre
- Behind the scenes at The IFHC: Tracing an Orange Order Ancestor
- Personal objects – historical artefacts
- The Irish Family History Centre welcomes Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
- Free concert at St. Patrick’s Cathedral 4th July
- News Digest: Jun 30 2017
- Behind the scenes at The IFHC: Barbados Born with Irish Connection
- Interview: Professor Amy Harris of Brigham Young University
- Exploring GENEius at the Irish Family History Centre
- News Digest: Jun 2017
- FREE Genealogy DNA Workshop
- Behind the scenes at The IFHC: DNA and Genealogy
- News Digest: May 31 2017
- Digital Marketing Executive Required
- Actor John Cusack, The Afternoon Show, and the Irish Family History Centre
- Sponsor A Track with Saint Patricks Cathedral
- The Afternoon Show with Actor John Cusack
- Smiths, Marrying Smiths …. Marrying Even More Smiths
- News Digest: May 2017
- Irish Lives Remembered Summer Edition Teaser
- Dr. Maurice Gleeson talks about teaching the Genetic Genealogy track, at this year’s British Institute, in Salt Lake City, September 2017.
- Irish Presbyterian Emigrants: Ancestry back to the 1650s
- Genealogy Graduation Ceremony
- National Library of Ireland Genealogy Service 2017
- Enda Kenny is presented with his Family History
- Two Personal Family Pet Names Cracked
- The Irish Language and Irish Censuses
- News Digest: April 2017
- Mike Murphy Explores His Family History
- Behind the scenes at The IFHC: A Tale of Eviction
- The Problem With a Name
- How we got on at Who Do You Think You Are 2017
- News Digest: March 2017
- The Irish Quaker Collection on Findmypast
- Behind the scenes at IFHC: Missing from the Census? Try Irish
- Family History Getaway: Irish Ancestors and their Lives.
- Irish History Timeline | Twile and the Irish Family History Centre
- News Digest: Mar 2017
- Behind the scenes at The IFHC: An Architectural Visit
- Following the (News) Paper Trail
- Harry Clarke’s Unique Gift to Former Archbishop of Dublin
- New APG Discussion Group Meetings – Updated Times
- Behind the scenes at The IFHC: Countrywide Hillwalkers’ Assoc
- How the Browse Census button linked my Great Aunt Rose to Samuel Beckett
- Saint Patricks Cathedral: March Events
- How we got on at Rootstech 2017
- Latest News Digest: March 2017
- Latest News Digest: Feb 2017
- Behind the scenes at The IFHC: Lady Luck
- FREE Beginners Course in Irish Family History and Genealogy
- Census Records: Bless Them! Curse Them! Fight the Dark Side.
- From The Legion of The Lost Ones
- Behind the scenes stories at the Irish Family History Centre.
- News Digest: January 2017
- Google Maps Helps Solve a 19th-Century Placenames Mystery
- News Digest: Jan 12 2017
- Behind the scenes at The Irish Family History Centre.
- Eve Parnell’s new exhibition
- VIDEO: How our website can help you with your research
- News Digest: Dec 2016
- Christmas customs/First forays in genealogy.
- Family Stories from the Visitor Centre
- Behind the scenes in the National Library’s Genealogy Room: Carmel Gilbride
- News Digest: December 2016
- Stories within Artefacts
- Eneclann Employment and Investment Incentive Scheme 2016
- Christmas at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Dublin
- Behind the scenes in the National Library’s Genealogy Room: Genetics
- News Digest: November 2016
- 1916 Galway and The Battle of the Somme at Loughrea Hotel
- News Digest: Nov 2016
- 2017 British Institute in Salt Lake City, Utah.
- News Digest: Oct 2016
- Back to Our Past 2016 was a hit!
- New Digest
- Saint Patrick’s Cathedral AFTER DARK
- The Archaeology of a Decade of War 2016 Lecture Series
- Expert Workshop in the National Library October
- Summer Talks @NLIreland 2016
- Behind the scenes in the National Library’s Genealogy Room: September
- News Digest: Sept 2016
- Board for Certification of Genealogists
- FREE Family History Day: Louth County Library Dundalk
- Vote for your Rockstar Genealogists 2016
- Discover your Family History for free at Ulster Museum
- The Board of Certified Genealogists offer a free day of genealogy education.
- Events in the Society of Genealogists September 2016.
- Expert advice at Blanchardstown library
- News Digest: Aug 2016
- Expert Q&A Facebook Session
- Free Lunch Time Talk: The Forgotten Irish
- HARP Society Interdenominational Service
- Behind the scenes in the National Library’s Genealogy Room: Group Visit
- News Digest: August 2016
- Wilde’s women: How Oscar Wilde was shaped by the women in his life.
- Behind the Scenes in the National Library’s Genealogy Room
- Society of Genealogists events
- Emigration & Our Galway County Diaspora Free Event
- Behind the scenes in the National Library’s Genealogy Room: Maura Flood
- News Digest of the Week
- Summer talks at the National Library of Ireland 2016
- Behind the scenes in the Genealogy Advisory Service @ the NLI
- The Capuchin Annual now online
- News Digest: June 2016
- July events at The National Library of Ireland
- Research Tip of the Week
- Jayne Shrimpton
- Marking the Centenary of the Battle of the Somme
- Behind the scenes in the Genealogy Advisory Service @NLIreland
- Stars & Stripes Forever: An Independence Day Spectacular
- Irish Family History Centre
- News Digest: May 2016
- Behind the scenes in the Genealogy Advisory Service @NLIreland: Various
- Expert Talks in the National Library of Ireland
- Jayne Shrimpton’s Photo-detective confirmed for Irish Lives Remembered
- New Genealogy Advisory Service this summer in Blanchardstown Library.
- The Latest News Digest
- Souls of the Slain Art Exhibition
- Research trip to Ireland
- Bruce Springsteen’s Irish roots
- The Irish Family History Centre Online
- The Irish Family History Centre Visitor Experience
- Eneclann and Ancestor Network win NLI tender 2016
- Behind the scenes in the National Library’s genealogy room: Various
- Tracing my Irish Ancestry: My Journey Home to Ireland
- Irish Family History Centre Opening May 7th as part of EPIC Ireland’s visitor experience.
- Behind the Scenes in the Genealogy Advisory Service: Fiona Fitzsimons
- South Dublin Libraries 1966 Capuchin Annual Reprint
- Gaelic Capital and Norman Stronghold – Ferns and the transformation of Ireland
- An Interview with Lorna Moloney for Ancestral Connections Summer School 2016
- Limerick Christ Church Records Go Online
- Work House Registers
- British Institute, Salt Lake City, UTAH, 21-25 Sept. An interview with Alec Tritton
- The Truth behind George Clooney’s Irish Roots
- Archives and Record Management at Eneclann.
- Historic Parish Registers at Christ Church, Limerick, published online.
- Easter edition of Irish Lives Remembered
- Irish Catholic Parish Records
- New source uncovered for Easter week 2016
- Irish Family History Society adds a further 10 years (1995 – 2004) online access to their historic journals for members.
- Eve Parnell on RTE’s A Living Word.
- Three Summer Schools on offer from ACE at University College Cork
- The 2016 Forensic Institute has moved
- Ireland XO Volunteer of the Year 2015
- Eneclann Helps Ireland’s Mineral Heritage Project
- History Ireland
- 648 Billion Sunrises: A Geological Miscellany of Ireland
- Van Diemen’s Women: A History of Transportation to Tasmania by Joan Kavanagh and Doianne Snowden
- Behind The Scenes at The National Library of Ireland
- National Library of Ireland Extend Delivery Times in Main and Manuscript Reading Rooms:
- Shane Byrnes Family Tree: Ireland AM
- Who Do You Think You Are? Series 7 – Ray Martin
- Catholic Parish Registers go online for the first time.
- George Clooney’s Kilkenny roots revealed
- British Institute, Salt Lake City, UTAH, 21-25 Sept. An interview with Fiona Fitzsimons
- Polemical corner
- Ireland Reaching Out launch new website
- Behind the scenes in the Genealogy Advisory Service: June 2015
- British Institute, Salt Lake City, UTAH, 21-25 Sept. An interview with Bruce Durie
- The Ned Kelly Gang
- An Interview with Melissa Johnson, CG
- Irish Probate Genealogy Partners
- It’s official – the Irish diaspora reached everywhere, including Central America.
- Meeting Princess Charlene in the Palace in Monaco
- George Clooney’s Kilkenny Connections
- ‘Virtually every town and village had someone who died in the war’
- Eneclann guides Obamas through their Irish Family History Press Release
- Category: Northern Ireland
- Category: Podcasts
- Fiona Fitzsimons on BBC Woman’s Hour
- Women in Rural Dublin, by Carmel Gilbride for Culture Night at the Irish Family History Centre
- EXPERT WORKSHOP: Genealogy’s Community of Practice & Developing Genealogical Education
- EXPERT WORKSHOP: Environmental History – A West Cork Case Study
- EXPERT WORKSHOP: Economics of Empire: Markets & Fairs in 19th-century Ireland
- EXPERT WORKSHOP: Child Incarceration in 19th Century Dublin by Aoife O’Connor
- EXPERT WORKSHOP: A History of Germs and Public Health in Dublin with Dr Juliana Adelman
- EXPERT WORKSHOP: Ned Kelly on Folk traditions and practice
- Expert Workshop: Heritage Collections of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland
- Expert Workshop: Finding Trails and Tales in Parish Records with Revd Canon Professor Patrick Comerford
- Expert Workshop: Another Link in the Family Chain with Grainne Doran
- Expert Workshop: Katie Donovan and how Family inspires Creativity
- PODCAST: Tracing Ancestry Through Census Substitutes
- Expert Workshop: Conserving Your Personal Archive with Zoë Reid
- Expert Workshop: Shedding Light on ESB Archives
- Smoking Guns and the Myths of Military History
- Kasandra O’Connell. Moving History- An introduction to the IFI Irish Film Archive
- Expert Workshop at the Royal Irish Academy, June 2017. Dr. Annaleigh Margey on Digitising seventeenth-century Ireland: the 1641 depositions, the Down Survey and contemporary maps as a source for family and social history
- Expert Workshops at the Royal Irish Academy of Ireland 2017: Monsignor Ciaran O’ Carroll, Rector of the Irish College in Rome
- Expert Workshops at the Royal Irish Academy of Ireland 2017, Finding the women ignored by wider historiography.
- Expert Workshops at the Royal Irish Academy of Ireland 2017, Irish Traveller Culture
- Expert Workshops at the National Library of Ireland 2016, Brian Donovan, Police & Army records for Irish Genealogy 1836 to 1922.
- Regina Sexton – Elite Women and Their Recipe Books
- Expert Workshops at the National Library of Ireland 2016, Brian Hollinshead, Mapping townlands and other boundaries old and new.
- Summer talks in the National Library of Ireland: Dr. Nora White, Ogham Stones – our earliest genealogical sources
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland 2016: Fiona Fitzsimons, Explorations in Irish Genealogy
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland 2016: Ambassador O’Malley, How do we sustain the people to people links between Ireland and the United States?
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland 2016: Joe Buggy: Ten free websites for U.S. genealogy research.
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland 2016: Dan Bradley: Ancient DNA and Irish Origins
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland 2016:Clodagh Tait: ‘The simple annals of my Parish poor’: stories from the parish registers
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland 2016: Aoife O’Connor: Seen? Heard? Records of Children in Nineteenth Century Ireland
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland 2016: Eleanor Fitzsimons – Wilde’s Women: How Oscar Wilde was Shaped by the Women in His Life
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland 2016: Damien Shiels: The Forgotten Irish:
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland, 2016. Dr. Paul MacCotter – Territory, maps & genealogy
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland 2016: Liam Breen – A history of Deaf Culture in Ireland
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland, 2016. Sinead McCoole – Researching Revolutionary Ancestors
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland, 2016. Dermot Bolger – Finding inspiration in Family History
- Sinead McCool: Mna- 25 years of searching- lesson and leads
- Expert Workshops at the National Library of Ireland, April 2016. Joe Buggy, Introduction to U.S. sources online
- Summer Talks NLI, 2015. Prof Kevin Whelan, Maps
- Summer Talks in NLI, 2015. Dr. Bruce Durie, Heraldry
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland, 2015. Dr. David Edwards: the Tudor Conquest
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland, 2015: Seamus O Maitiu – Getting Started in Local History
- Summer Talks NLI 2015: Brian Donovan – tracing WW1 and Irish revolutionary ancestors
- Summer talks NLI, 2015: Paul Rouse – Sport
- Summer Talks NLI, 2015. Ned Kelly – Bog bodies
- Summer Talks NLI, 2015. Rob Goodbody, Ireland’s industrial heritage
- Summer Talks, NLI 2015: Raymond Gillespie – Irish Census records
- PODCAST: The migration of Irish women to colonial Australia by Dr Liz Rushen
- Expert Workshop in NLI, June 2015. Dr. Liz Rushen 19C Irish Women to Australia
- Summer Talks NLI, 2015. Andy Bielenberg – Was there a Protestant exodus from southern Ireland?
- Expert Workshops NLI, December 2015. Abigail Rieley, criminal ancestors in historical records
- Summer Talks NLI, 2015. Dr. Paul McCotter: Irish surnames
- Summer Talks in the NLI, 2015. Eve Parnell, records of artists and craftsmen in Ireland
- Expert Workshops at the National Library of Ireland, September 2015. Hilary Tulloch: Records of the East India Company
- Summer Talks in NLI, 2015. Dr. Charles Benson – the decline of the Irish language
- Expert Workshops at the National Library of Ireland, February 2016. Aileen Wynne – Public speaking
- Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland, 2015. Jayne Shrimpton: Family Photographs
- Expert Workshop at the NLI, March 2016. Cecile Gordon – Revolutionary Women in the records
- Summer talks in the NLI, 2015, Bruce Arnold: the Yeats family history
- Category: Research Tips
- Category: Uncategorized
Our Team
Case Study
- Citizenship Query
- Presentation of Research
- Certified Copy of an Irish Certificate
- 6 Hours of Research (Expedited)
- John Wallis, The Cornwall Register, 1847
- Slater's Royal National Directory of Ireland 1894: Ulster & Belfast city Sections
- Slater's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1881, Compendium of all sections
- Baddeley & Ward, Guide to North Devon and North Cornwall, 8th & 9th editions, 1904 & 1912
- Father Senan (Ed.) The Capuchin Annual 1942, 1941
- Census Reports: Dublin City 1901
- 18 Hour Project + Hardbound Book (expeditied)
- 12 Hour Project Balance
- Slater's Royal National and Commerical Directory of Ireland, 1870
- Slater's Royal National Directory of Ireland 1870: Ulster & Belfast city Sections
- Slater's Royal National Directory of Ireland 1870: Munster, Cork & Limerick Sections
- Slater's Royal National Directory of Ireland 1870: Connaught
- Slater's Royal National Directory of Ireland 1870: Leinster and Dublin Section
- Registers of the French Church of Portarlington 1694-1816
- Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization for Aliens in England and Ireland, 1603-1700
- The Registers of St. Patrick's, Dublin, 1677-1800
- Index to the Act or Grant Books, and to Original Wills, of the Diocese of Dublin, 1800-1858
- Index to the Act or Grant Books, and to Original Wills, of the Diocese of Dublin, 1634-1799
- Index to the Act or Grant Books, and to Original Wills, of the Diocese of Dublin 1634-1858
- Hussey De Burgh's, The Landowners of Ireland, 1878
- The History of the Huguenot Settlers in Ireland and other Literary Remains
- Statistical Survey of the County of Roscommon, 1832
- Statistical Survey of the County Leitrim, 1802
- Slater's Royal National Directory of Ireland, 1894: Compendium of all Sections
- Slater's Royal National Directory of Ireland 1894: Munster, Cork & Limerick Sections
- Slater's Royal National Directory of Ireland 1894: Connaught Section
- The Gailliv. An Illustrated History of the Ancient City of Galway (1901)
- Bateman's Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland (4th ed., 1883)
- Henderson's Belfast Directory 1850
- Smith's, The Ancient and Present State of the County and City of Cork, 1774, 2nd ed. 2 vols
- Statistical Survey of the County of Tyrone, 1802
- English Goldsmiths and their Marks, 2nd ed., 1921
- Leet's Directory (2nd ed., 1814)
- Down and its Parish Church
- Statistical Survey of Cavan, 1802
- The Register of Derry Cathedral 1642-1703
- Enniskillen Long Ago, 1878
- Kilkenny Grand Jury Presentments, 1832
- Statistical Survey of Meath, 1802
- Statistical Survey of County Mayo, 1802
- Pococke's Tour in Ireland in 1752
- The Crofton Memoirs, 1911
- Dalton's Irish Army Lists, 1661-1685
- Ward & Lock's Pictorial Guide to Connemara c.1890
- F. Elrington Ball, The Judges in Ireland 1221-1921, 1926
- W. Wilson, The Post-Chaise Companion, 1786
- Robert Simpson, The Annals of Derry, 1847
- John Mitchel, Jail Journal, 2nd ed., 1914
- Tempest's Jubilee Annual 1909
- The King's County Directory, 1890
- Statistical Survey of the King's County, 1801
- A Little Tour in Ireland, 1892
- The Noted Breweries of Great Britain and Ireland, 1889-1891
- Guy's Directory of Munster 1893
- Matheson's Special Report On Surnames in Ireland (1894)
- The Scot in Ulster, 1888
- Tyner's Traveller's Guide Through Ireland, 1794
- Kenny's Irish manufacturers' directory, 1919
- Statistical Survey of County Clare, 1808
- Medical Directory for Ireland, 1852
- Farrar's Index to Irish Marriages 1771-1812
- 12 Hours of Research (Expedited)
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 62
- Certificate Search Fee
- 12 Hours Research
- Statistical Survey of County Donegal, 1802
- "The Sligo Chronicle" Almanac and Directory for 1878
- Statistical Survey of County Cork, 1810
- Macloskie’s Directory of Fermanagh 1848
- A Complete Catholic Directory, Almanack and Registry, Vol. 2, 1837
- Matier's Belfast Directory for 1835-6
- Harvey's Waterford Almanac and Directory for 1866
- A Complete Catholic Registry, Directory, and Almanack, Vol. 1, 1836
- Sir Arthur Vicars, Index to the Prerogative Wills of Ireland, 1536-1810
- Henry & Coughlan's General Directory of Cork & Munster, 1867
- Slater's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1846, Compendium of all sections
- Slater's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1846, Ulster & Belfast Sections
- Slater's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1846, Munster, Cork & Limerick Sections
- Slater's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1846, Connaught Section
- Slater's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1846, Leinster & Dublin Sections
- Pigot's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1824, Ulster section
- Pigot's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1824, Munster section
- Pigot's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1824, Connaught section
- The Post Office Bath Directory 1915
- Post Office Directory Bath, 1858-9
- The Return of Parish Registers for the Dioceses of England and Wales, 1831
- Parliamentary Report, The Twelfth Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners, 1846
- Paliamentary Report, The Ninth Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners, 1843
- Calendar of the State Papers Relating to Scotland, Vols. 1 & 2: 1509-1603
- John Potter Briscoe, Nottinghamshire Facts and Fictions, 1876
- Archaeological and Historical Collections relating to the Counties of Ayr and Wigton, Vol. IV, 1884
- Thomas S. Hill (Ed.), The Registers of Bramfield, Co. Suffolk, 1539-1596 and 1693-1889, 1894
- Articles Presented to the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 1904
- The 39th Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests and Land Revenues, 1861
- The Registers of the Parish Church of Middleton in the County of Lancaster, Christenings, Burials and Weddings
- Wills and Administrations at Canterbury 1640 to 1650
- Willingham Franklin Rawnsley and Frederick L. Griggs, Highways and Byways in Lincolnshire, 1914
- Walter Jerrold and Hugh Thomson, Highways and Byways in Middlesex, 1909
- Andrew Lang and John Lang (with illustrations by Hugh Thomson), Highways and Byways in the Border, 1913
- James Edmund Vincent (with illustrations by Frederick L Griggs) Highways and Byways in Berkshire, 1906
- Kelly's Directory of Kent, 1903
- Little Saxham Parish Registers 1559-1850, 1901
- William White, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Lincolnshire, 1882
- Kelly's Directory of Cambridgeshire, 1883
- The First and Second Reports of The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, 1870 & 1871
- John Roby, Traditions of Lancashire, Volume II, 1930
- John Guthrie Smith, Strathendrick and its Inhabitants from Early Times, 1896
- Kelly's Directory of Essex, 1898
- A Collection of Coats of Arms Borne by the Nobility and Gentry of the County of Glocester, 1792
- J. Chilcott, Chilcott's New Guide to Clifton and the Hotwells (Tenth Edition Much Improved), c. 1850
- The Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Association, Record Series Volume 1, 1885
- History, Directory and Gazzetteer of the County, and of the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham
- William White, History, Gazetteer and Directory of the Counties of Leicester and Rutland
- The Parish Register Society, The Registers of Lydlinch, Co. Dorset, 1559-1812 (1899)
- Thomas Sharp, An Epitome of the County of Warwick, 1835
- Calendar for the Wills and Administrations in the Court of the Archdeacon of Taunton
- Catalogue of the Heralds' Visitations with reference to many other valuable Genealogical and Topographical Manuscripts
- Sir Bernard Burke, Vicissitudes of Families, 1860
- Kelly's Directory of Berkshire, 1899
- Pigot's Directory of Wiltshire, 1848
- William White, General and Commercial Directory of the Borough of Nottingham, 1894
- Kelly, Directory of Suffolk, 1883
- F. Jollie, Cumberland Guide and Directory, 1811
- Francis Whellan & Co., History, Topography and Directory of Northamptonshire, 1874
- E.J. Burnham, A Guide to Seaton and District, 1912
- All About Kingsbridge and Salcombe, A New and Practical Illustrated Guide for the Use of Visitors
- C.R.B. Barrett, Essex: Highways, Byways and Waterways (Second Series), 1893
- The Poll at the Election of High Steward of the University of Cambridge, 1840
- T. Bulmer, A History and Directory of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, 1887
- S Baring-Gould, A Book of North Wales, 1903
- White's, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Lincolnshire, 1892
- WM West, A History, Topography and Directory of Warwickshire, 1830
- Mrs. Rodolph Stawell, Motor Tours in the West Country, 1910
- Captain Charles Johnson, The Lives and Actions of the Most Noted Highwaymen, Street-Robbers, Pirates
- Arthur J. Jewers (Ed.), Heraldic Church Notes from Cornwall, 1887
- Pinnock's County Histories, The History and Topography of Durham with Biographical Sketches
- Kelly's Directory of Monmouthshire, 1891
- Dod's Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of Great Britian and Ireland for 1902
- J. Meade Falkner, A History of Oxfordshire, 1899
- Herbert W. Tompkins, Companion into Essex, 1938
- John Murray, Handbook for Travellers in Yorkshire, 1867
- South Wales Pigot 1830 Directory
- Wiltshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Suffolk Pigot 1830 Directory
- Somersetshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Oxfordshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Northamptonshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Norfolk Pigot 1830 Directory
- Monmouthshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Huntingdonshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Herefordshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Hampshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Gloucestershire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Dorsetshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Devonshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Cornwall Pigot 1830 Directory
- Cambridgeshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Buckinghamshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Berkshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- Bedfordshire Pigot 1830 Directory
- William Whyte, The New Picture of Edinburgh for 1816
- John Roby, Traditions of Lancashire, 1928
- J Charles Cox & Illustrations by Edmund H New, Surrey, 1910
- Murray's Handbook for Travellers in Berks, Bucks and Oxfordshire, 1882
- Ward, Lock & Co. Limited, A New Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Dartmoor, 1897
- P.H. Ditchfiled (Ed.), Memorials of Old Gloucestershire, 1912
- Kelly's Post Office Directory of Herefordshire, 1879
- Nathaniel Jones, Directory of Glasgow 1787
- Adam and Charles Black, Guide to the County of York, 1888 13th Edition
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- Arthur L. Salmon, Cornwall, 1903
- Kelly's Directory of the Country of Norfolk, 1933
- Mass Certificate Order
- Chavasse's Advice to a Wife, (5th ed), 1909
- J. Bulmer, History, Topography and Directory of Lancaster and District, 1913
- Edward Hutton & Nelly Erichsen (illustrator), Highways and Byways in Wiltshire, 1917
- Rev. I. Gregory Smith & Rev. Phipps Onslow, Diocesan Histories: Worcester, 1883
- Charles Darwin: His Life Told in an Autobiographical Chapter, and in an Selected Series of his Published Letters, 1902
- Baddeley & Ward, Guide to South Devon and South Cornwall, 1915
- Highways and Byways in Buckinghamshire, 1910
- Highways & Byways in Derbyshire, 1905
- A Selections from the Wills of Eminent Persons proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1495-1695
- A. G. Bradley, Jospeh Pennell, Highways and Byways in the Lake District, 1903
- Walter Jerrold, Hugh Thomson (Illustrations) Highways and Byways in Kent, 1907
- Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 1936-1937
- A. G. Bradley, Frederick L. Griggs (Illustrations), Highways and Byways in South Wales, 1914
- White's History, Gazetteer and Directory of Leicestershire and the small County of Rutland, 1846
- Kelly's County Topographies: Hampshire including the Isle of Wight, 1875
- Kelly's Directory of Buckinghamshire, 1903
- Kelly's Directory of the City of Bristol and its Neighbourhood, 1894
- Bagshaw's, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Shropshire, 1851
- Bulmer's History, Topography and Directory of Westmoreland, 1885
- The Parish Registers and Parochial Documents in the Archdeaconry of Winchester
- Kelly's Post Office Directory of Surrey 1867
- Kelly's Directory of Gloucestershire 1894
- The Registers of the Parish Church of Cartmel in the County of Lancaster; Christenings, Burials and Weddings
- The Bristol Poll Book, 1837
- Don Manoel Gonzales, London in 1731
- The Poll Book for the Electors of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1835
- Kelly's Directory of Gloucester, 1935
- Some Westmoreland Wills 1686 - 1738
- The Manchester Directory, 1773
- Bury Wills & Inventories
- Parish Register for Wimbledon, Co. Surrey
- Report of an Enquiry into Working Class Rents, Housing and Retail Prices, 1908
- The Placenames of Middlesex, 1922
- A Directory of Sheffield, 1787
- The Poll Book of Monmouthshire, 1847
- Parish Register of Stewkeley, Buckinghamshire 1545-1653
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- Black's Hampshire, 1909
- Blymhill Parish Registers 1561-1814
- Genealogia Bedfordiensis 1890
- Powell's Gloucestriana or Papers Relating to the City of Gloucester (1890)
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- John Gough, A History of the People Called Quakers, from their First Rise to the Present Time, 4 Vols, 1789-1790
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- An Historical and Critical Review of the Civil Wars in Ireland, from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth to the Settlement under King William
- The Sixteenth Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records of Ireland, 1884
- The Eleventh Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records in Ireland, 1879
- The Sixth Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records of Ireland, 1874
- The Fifth Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records of Ireland, 1873
- Persons Committed or Held to Bail for Trial at the Assizes and Sessions in Each County
- Forty-first Report of the Inspector-General of the General State of the Prisons of Ireland 1862, with Appendices
- The Case for Ireland Re-Stated, To the President of the United States of America. With Explanatory Historical Points. 1918
- John Gibbons, Tramping through Ireland, 1930
- Bram Stoker, The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland, 1879
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- John Smith, Irish Diamonds, 1847
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- I.O. (C J C Street), The Administration of Ireland 1920, 1921
- The Story of Ireland, A Narrative of Irish History, from the earliest ages to the Insurrection of 1867
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- Donough Bryan, Gerald Fitzgerald, The Great Earl of Kildare (1456-1513), 1933
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- Census Reports: County Tipperary North Riding 1851
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- Census Reports: County Laois 1851
- Census Reports: County Monaghan 1911
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- Census Reports: County Monaghan 1871
- Census Reports: County Monaghan 1861
- Census Reports: County Monaghan 1851
- Census Reports: County Meath 1911
- Census Reports: County Meath 1871
- Census Reports: County Meath 1861
- Census Reports: County Meath 1851
- Census Reports: County Mayo 1911
- Census Reports: County Mayo 1901
- Census Reports: County Mayo 1891
- Census Reports: County Mayo 1881
- Census Reports: County Mayo 1871
- Census Reports: County Mayo 1851
- Census Reports: County Louth 1911
- Census Reports: County Louth 1891
- Census Reports: County Louth 1871
- Census Reports: County Louth 1861
- Census Reports: County Louth 1851
- Census Reports: County Longford 1911
- Census Reports: County Longford 1901
- Census Reports: County Longford 1891
- Census Reports: County Longford 1871
- Census Reports: County Longford 1861
- Census Reports: County Longford 1851
- Census Reports: County Limerick 1911
- Census Reports: County Limerick 1891
- Census Reports: County Limerick 1881
- Census Reports: County Limerick 1871
- Census Reports: County Limerick 1861
- Census Reports: County Limerick 1851
- Census Reports: County Leitrim 1911
- Census Reports: County Leitrim 1901
- Census Reports: County Leitrim 1891
- Census Reports: County Leitrim 1881
- Census Reports: County Leitrim 1871
- Census Reports: County Leitrim 1851
- Census Reports: King's County 1911
- Census Reports: King's County 1901
- Census Reports: King's County 1891
- Census Reports: King's County 1871
- Census Reports: King's County 1861
- Census Reports: King's County 1851
- Census Reports: Kilkenny 1911
- Census Reports: Kilkenny 1901
- Census Reports: Kilkenny 1891
- Census Reports: Kilkenny 1871
- Census Reports: Kilkenny 1861
- Census Reports: Kilkenny 1851
- Census Reports: Kildare 1911
- Census Reports: Kildare 1901
- Census Reports: Kildare 1891
- Census Reports: Kildare 1871
- Census Reports: Kildare 1861
- Census Reports: Kildare 1851
- Census Reports: Kerry 1911
- Census Reports: Kerry 1901
- Census Reports: Kerry 1891
- Census Reports: Kerry 1881
- Census Reports: Kerry 1871
- Census Reports: Kerry 1861
- Census Reports: Kerry 1851
- Census Reports: Galway 1911
- Census Reports: Galway 1901
- Census Reports: Galway 1891
- Census Reports: Galway 1881
- Census Reports: Galway 1871
- Census Reports: Galway 1861
- Census Reports: Galway 1851
- Census Reports: Fermanagh 1911
- Census Reports: Fermanagh 1901
- Census Reports: Fermanagh 1881
- Census Reports: Fermanagh 1861
- Census Reports: Fermanagh 1871
- Census Reports: Fermanagh 1851
- Census Reports: Dublin County 1901
- Census Reports: Dublin County 1911
- Census Reports: Dublin County & City 1871
- Census Reports: Dublin County & City 1861
- Census Reports: Dublin County 1851
- Census Reports: Down 1911
- Census Reports: Down 1901
- Census Reports: Down 1881
- Census Reports: Down 1871
- Census Reports: Down 1861
- Census Reports: Down 1851
- Census Reports: Donegal 1911
- Census Reports: Donegal 1901
- Census Reports: Donegal 1881
- Census Reports: Donegal 1871
- Census Reports: Donegal 1861
- Census Reports: Donegal 1851
- Census Reports: Derry 1911
- Census Reports: Derry 1901
- Census Reports: Derry 1881
- Census Reports: Derry 1871
- Census Reports: Derry 1861
- Census Reports: Derry 1851
- Census Reports: Cork West Riding 1851
- Census Reports: Cork West Riding 1861
- Census Reports: Cork City & East Riding 1851
- Census Reports: Cork City & County 1871
- Census Reports: Cork City & East Riding 1861
- Census Reports: Cork City & County 1911
- Census Reports: Cork City & County 1901
- Census Reports: Cork City & County 1891
- Census Reports: Cork City & County 1881
- Census Reports: Clare 1911
- Census Reports: Clare 1901
- Census Reports: Clare 1891
- Census Reports: Clare 1881
- Census Reports: Clare 1871
- Census Reports: Clare 1861
- Census Reports: Clare 1851
- Census Reports: Cavan 1911
- Census Reports: Cavan 1901
- Census Reports: Cavan 1881
- Census Reports: Cavan 1871
- Census Reports: Cavan 1861
- Census Reports: Cavan 1851
- Census Reports: Carlow 1911
- Census Reports: Carlow 1901
- Census Reports: Carlow 1871
- Census Reports: Carlow 1861
- Census Reports: Carlow 1851
- Census Reports: Armagh 1911
- Census Reports: Armagh 1901
- Census Reports: Armagh 1881
- Census Reports: Armagh 1871
- Census Reports: Armagh 1861
- Census Reports: Armagh 1851
- Census Reports: Belfast 1911
- Census Reports: Antrim 1911
- Census Reports: Antrim 1901
- Census Reports: Antrim 1881
- Census Reports: Antrim 1871
- Census Reports: Antrim 1861
- Census Reports: Antrim 1851
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- R. J. Kelly, A Patriot Prelate, The Late Most Rev. Dr. Duggan, Bishop of Clonfert 1872-1896, 1917
- The Irish Tourist Association, Ireland, 1931/32
- The Treble Almanack 1814
- George Thomas Stokes, D.D. (Edited by Hugh Jackson Lawlor D.D.), Some Worthies of the Irish Church, 1900
- John Cornelius O'Callaghan, History of the Irish Brigades in the Service of France, 1869
- Rev. P.A. Canon Sheehan DD, Literary life: Essays and Poems, 1921
- Edward Raymond Turner, Ireland and England, In the Past and Present, 1919
- 14th Annual Report of the Commissioners for Administering the Laws for Relief of the Poor in Ireland, 1861
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- T. George H. Green, Index to the Marriage Licence Bonds of the Diocese of Cloyne 1630-1800, 1899-1900
- Rev. G.T. Stokes, Ireland and the Anglo-Norman Church, 1897
- 48 Hours Research
- Half-Day Search
- Research Review
- GRONI Search
- 18 Hours Research + Walk-through
- Jeremiah King, County Kerry Past and Present, A Handbook to the Local and Family History of the County, 1931
- 12 Hours Research + Walk-through
- Post Research Review
- Full Day Archive Search
- GRO Search
- Certified Copy of British Certificate
- Post Consultations Research
- 24 Hours of Research
- 18 Hours of Research
- 12 Hours of Research
- 6 Hours of Research
- Hardbound Copy of Research
- Non-Certified Copy of British Record
- Non-Certified Copy of Irish Record
- Certified Copy of Irish Certificate
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 61
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 60 (Summer 2023)
- The Irish Ancestor 1969-1986. by Rosemary ffolliott
- Brian J. Cantwell’s Memorials of the Dead: The Collected Works
- Ireland's Memorial Records: World War 1 1914-1918
- Personal Experiences of the Great War (an Unfinished Manuscript). 1925. Frank M.Laird
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 59 Spring 2023
- George Benn, A History of the Town of Belfast from the Earliest Times to the Close of the Eighteenth Century, 1877
- Bernard Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, 1863
- Thom's Official Directory of Ireland, 1910
- Samuel Smiles L.L.D., The Huguenots, their settlements, churches and industries in England and Ireland. 1889
- James White, My Clonmel Scrapbook, 1907
- The Post Office Dublin Directory and Calendar for 1858
- Michael J.F. McCarthy, Five Years in Ireland 1895-1900, 1901
- The Post Office Annual Directory and Calendar for 1843, Dublin
- Thom's Irish Almanac and Official Directory of Ireland, 1868
- P.W. Joyce, A.M. Sullivan, & P. D. Newman, Atlas & Cyclopedia of Ireland (1905 Edition)
- James Stuart, A.B. Historical Memoirs of the City of Armagh for a period of 1373 years (1819)
- Royal Irish Constabulary List and Directory, January 1915
- Royal Irish Constabulary List and Directory for the half-year commencing 1st January 1910, 1910
- Findlay Muirhead (Ed.) The Blue Guide - Ireland, 1932
- William Carleton, Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, 1853
- Wallace Nutting, Ireland Beautiful, 1925
- Sylvester O'Halloran, History of Ireland, 1850
- Rev. James Dowd, Limerick and its Sieges, 1890 2nd Edition
- Thomas Olden, P. H. Ditchfield (ed), The National Churches - The Chuch of Ireland, 1892
- William Hamilton Maxwell, Wild Sports of the West, with Legendary Tales and Local Sketches, 1838
- The Royal Irish Constabulary Manual or Guide to the Discharge of Police Duties, 6th Edition 1909
- William Bassett, Limerick City and County, and Principal Towns in the Counties Clare, Tipperary and Kerry Directory 1880-1881
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- Daniel Owen Madden, The Speeches of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan, 1854
- Thom's Irish Almanac 1880
- Barrington's The Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation, 1833
- Hickson, Selections from Old Kerry Records (2 vols, 1872-74)
- D'Alton's History of Dublin (1838)
- Ward & Lock's Guide to Northern Ireland, Illustrated, 1940
- Royal Irish Constabulary List and Directory for the half-year commencing 1st July 1889, 1889.
- G. K. Chesterton, Irish Impressions, 1919
- Ward & Lock, A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Killarney, the Kerry Coast, Glengariff, Cork and the South West of Ireland, 7th Edition Revised
- Rev. G. Hansbrow, An Improved Topographical and Historical Hibernian Gazetteer, 1835
- B. J. Long & D.E. O'Connor (ed), Tipperary's Annual, 1910
- Rev. James Dowd, Round about the County of Limerick, 1896
- Rev. Philip Dwyer, The Diocese of Killaloe, From the Reformation to the Close of the Eighteenth Century, 1878
- William F. Wakeman, Archaeologia Hibernica, A Handbook of Irish Antiquities, Pagan and Christian, 1848
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- Blunt's The Land War in Ireland, 1912
- Stephen Gwynn, Hugh Thompson (Illustrations), Highways and Byways in Donegal and Antrim, 1899
- The Neighbourhood of Dublin, Its Topography, Antiquities and Historical Associations, 1939
- Alexander Thom & Co., Thom's Irish Who's Who, 1923
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- John Revans, The Evils of the State of Ireland; Their Causes and Their Remedy - A Poor Law, 1837
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- The American Commission on Conditions in Ireland, Evidence on Conditions in Ireland
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- John Savage's '98 and '48: The Modern Revolutionary History & Literature of Ireland
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- Henry's Upper Lough Erne in 1739
- Real Life in Ireland by a Real Paddy, 1821
- HMC, Report on Franciscan Manuscripts preserved at the Convent, Merchant's Quay, Dublin, 1906
- Deserted Children (Dublin) 1854
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 58 (Autumn/Winter 23)
- Cusack's Life of Daniel O'Connell, The Liberator, 1872
- Smith's Ancient and Present State of the County of Kerry, 1756
- The (Quaker) Annual Monitor for 1849
- Historical Reminiscences of Dublin Castle from 849 to 1904
- The American Commission on Conditions in Ireland: Interim Report (1921)
- Stopford Green's The Making of Ireland and its Undoing, 1200 - 1600
- Meehan's The Confederation of Kilkenny, 1905
- Queen's Colleges (Ireland)
- Parliamentary Papers, Emigration (Canada)
- Guy's Limerick Directory, 1912
- A Frenchman's Walk through Ireland 1796-97
- O'Hart's Irish & Anglo-Irish Landed Gentry
- Henry D. Inglis, A Journey Throughout Ireland, During the Spring Summer & Autumn of 1834 (4th ed., 1836)
- Rev. Woulfe, Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall: Irish names and surnames (1923)
- Mr. Tuke's Fund for Assisted Emigration 1882-5
- The Irish Emigrant's Guide for the United States, 1890
- Denvir's The Irish in Britain, 1892
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 57 (Summer 2022)
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 56 (Spring 2022)
- Handran's Townlands in Poor Law Unions
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 55 (Winter 2021)
- Florence B. Jack (ed.), The Woman's Book, 1911
- Reports from Commissioners, Irish Education Inquiry, Second Report, Schools of all Denominations, 1826
- Thom's Directory, 1894
- Royal Irish Constabulary List and Directory, January 1920
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 53 Summer 2021
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 52 Spring 2021
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 51 Winter 2020
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 50 Autumn 2020
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 49 Summer 2020
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 48 Spring 2020
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 47 Winter 2019
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 46 Autumn 2019
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 45 Summer 2019
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 44 Spring 2019
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 42/43 Autumn/Winter 2018
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 41 2018
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 40 Spring 2018
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 39 Winter 2017
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 38 November 2017
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 37 Summer 2017
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 36 Spring 2017
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 35 Winter 2016
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 34 Summer 2016
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 33 Easter 2016
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 32 November December 2015
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 31 September October 2015
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 30 July August 2015
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 29 May June 2015
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 28 March April 2015
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 27 January February 2015
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 26 November December 2014
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 25 September October 2014
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 24 July/August 2014
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 23 May June 2014
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 22 March 2014
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 21 February 2014
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 20 January 2014
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 19 December 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 18 November 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 17 October 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 16 September 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 15 August 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 14 July 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 13 June 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 12 May 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 11 April 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 10 March 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 9 February 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 8 January 2013
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 7 December 2012
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 6 November 2012
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 5 October 2012
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 4 September 2012
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 3 August 2012
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 2 July 2012
- Irish Lives Remembered Issue 1 June 2012
- The Penny Illustrated Paper and Illustrated Times, No. 1117 Vol. 43, December 2 1882
- The Penny Illustrated Paper and Illustrated Times, No. 1111 Vol. 43, October 21 1882
- The Penny Illustrated Paper and Illustrated Times, No. 1093 Vol. 42, June 17 1882
- The Penny Illustrated Paper and Illustrated Times, No. 1089 Vol. 42, May 20 1882
- The Penny Illustrated Paper and Illustrated Times, No. 1088 Vol. 42, May 13 1882
- Reports from Committees, Fictitious Votes (Ireland), Select Committee on Fictitious Votes, 1837-1838. Appendices Only
- Registers of the French Non-Conformist Churches Dublin 1701-1831
- Hanna's The Scotch-Irish
- James Hardiman's History of the Town and County of the town of Galway
- Burke's Landed Gentry of Ireland, 1899
- Indexes to Irish Wills 1536-1858, 5 vols
- Slater's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1881, Ulster & Belfast Sections
- Slater's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1881, Munster, Cork & Limerick Sections
- Slater's Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1881, Connaught Section
- Slater’s Commercial Directory of Ireland - Leinster & Dublin Sections
- Bassett’s Wexford County Guide and Directory 1885
- Bassett’s County Down Guide and Directory 1886
- Bassett's Louth Guide & Directory 1886
- Bassett’s Book of County Armagh 1888
- Bassett's Book of Antrim 1888
- Bassett's Kilkenny Guide & Directory 1884
- Shearman's Directory of Waterford, Kilkenny & the southeast 1839
- Sligo Independent newspaper, County Directory, Almanac and Guide (1889)
- James Alexander Henderson, The Belfast and Province of Ulster Directory (3rd ed., 1856)
- Dail Eireann: The Minutes of Proceedings of the First Parliament of the Republic of Ireland, 1919-1921 (Official Record)
- Robert Curtis, The History of the Royal Irish Constabulary, 1871
- Henry Jones Ford, The Scotch Irish in America, 1915
- Sinn Féin Rebellion Handbook (Irish Times, 1917)
- The Agricultural Labourer: Ireland: Part 4 (1893)
- The Agricultural Labourer: Ireland: Part 3 (1893)
- The Agricultural Labourer: Ireland: Part 2 (1893)
- The Agricultural Labourer: Ireland: Part 1 (1893)
- Ashe's Limerick and Clare Directory 1891-92
- Cusack's History of the Kingdom of Kerry, 1871
- Thom's Irish Almanac & Official Directory 1884
- Pettigrew & Oulton, Dublin Almanac & General Register of Ireland (1845)
- Samuel Lewis, Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, 3 vols (1st Edition, 1837)
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