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Irish Lives Remembered Issue 52 Spring 2021

What is inside?

Photomontage of woman above a field on cover. President Joseph Biden's Irish Roots. Part 2: The Scanlon Family; The Winter Bower of the Sun God and his Consort; The Rebellion of Dervorgilla, Queen of Tyrconnell; The Increase in Appreciation of Irish Composer Ina Boyle (1889–1967); Dúchas: An Invaluable Resource for Folklore and for Family Historians. Part I: Folklore and the Connection to Family History. Part II: An Interview with Críostóir Mac Cárthaigh, Director of the National Folklore Collection; David Herbison: The Poet Laureate of Ballymena (Co. Antrim); The Barretts of County Cork. Part One: The Early History.