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Ireland’s Memorial Records: World War 1 1914-1918

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The objective of these volumes was to preserve the names of over 49,000 Irishmen who lost their lives fighting in the Great War, World War I, 1914-1918. The collection was compiled by The Committee of the Irish National War Memorial under the direction of the Earl of Ypres. It is the most complete record known to exist and was published in 1923. This record is unique in many ways. Firstly, not only does it record the names of the dead, it also records their rank, regiment, date of death and regimental number. In most cases the soldier’s county or place of birth and the place and date of death are recorded. All 32 counties in Ireland lost men in the Great War. More than 5,000 from Antrim, 4,800 from Dublin and 3,000 from Cork alone. Indeed it is likely that every village, town and city in Ireland at the time was touched in some way by the loss. Beautiful artwork by the renowned Irish artist Harry Clarke completes this unique production, as users can view high quality scanned images from the original publication. Only one hundred copies of the original publication were ever produced. It is extremely rare. This version is a Free PDF that is available to download

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