Milwaukee Irish Fest.

Milwaukee Irish Fest is the world’s largest celebration of Irish music and culture. It is held annually on the third weekend in August on the shores of Lake Michigan at the Henry W Maier Festival Park. The festival is presented by CelticMKE, a year-round organization dedicated to igniting a love of Irish and Celtic culture in people across the globe.

Fiona Fitzsimons returned this year with her popular Irish Genealogy workshops, run for people looking to learn the tools to discover their own Irish Family History! The workshops were a great hit, once again, and luckily Fiona also managed to get some time to enjoy all the incredible music and culture the festival has to offer.

The Irish Fest is a showcase of the confidence, diversity and vibrancy of contemporary Irish culture. Here are some pictures from the festival – we hope you enjoy:

Milwaukee Irish Fest woman singing

Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest girl singing with guitar

Milwaukee Irish Fest staff

Milwaukee Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest playing instrument

Irish Fest playing instrument

Milwaukee Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest man playing instrument

Milwaukee Irish Fest cheering

Irish Fest playing instrument

Milwaukee Irish Fest singing

Milwaukee Irish Fest band performance

Milwaukee Irish Fest playing guitar and instruments

Milwaukee Irish Fest playing violin

Milwaukee Irish Fest playing violin and guitar

Milwaukee Irish Fest band instrument performance

Milwaukee Irish Fest singing with guitar

Milwaukee Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest

Milwaukee Irish Fest