July events at The National Library of Ireland.

This July, the National Library will host events geared towards families at a loose end during the School holidays.



Treasures, trails and Tales

Children’s Workshops: Treasures, trails and Tales.

Three afternoons with activities for children on consecutive Thursdays 2.30pm to 4pm, on July 7th /14th /21st

For more information, click here.


National Library of Ireland

Hands on History

A one-day workshop for Leaving Certificate History students

10am to 4pm, Tuesday July 19th

Explore the resources in the National Library of Ireland.

For more information, please click here.

the Battle of the Somme

It’s not just about the ‘little darlings’! Their parents may be interested in attending the

History Ireland Hedge School, which focuses on the Battle of the Somme

7pm Tuesday July 19th

Guaranteed to get your grey matter working!

For more information, please click here.