A Short Message from our Research Manager, Stephen Peirce.

irish family history centre find your roots

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all keeping safe and well.

In these trying times, I know you’re doing whatever it takes to stay sane and making the best of the current situation we all find ourselves in. It has been a long road, but by doing it together, we can finally start to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

We’ve all adjusted to our (buzzword alert!) ‘new normal’, by finding new ways to stay in touch (learning to Zoom) and keeping going, whatever way we can (hello, online shopping).

Although there are obviously many negatives to the current situation, there are also some positives. For instance there’s never been a better time to really dig into your family history. You’ve hopefully gained some spare-time while confined to barracks, which could be put to use researching online or chatting with relatives (now a captive audience) to learn more about your origins.

And we’re pleased to say that we’re still here to help guide you on this journey.

Our commissioned research services are still available and our genealogists are ready to help you with your family history goals. You can still avail of our Expert Review service, ideal for those who have reached a dead-end and are looking for other avenues of further research.

An Expert Review involves one of our genealogists reviewing the information you have to date, conducting some preliminary research in online Irish records and investigating the survival of other potential record sets which could be accessed. All of this will be compiled into a digital document, with an outline of searches to date and recommendations for further research, where possible.

The restrictions around Covid-19 have resulted in the temporary closure of a number of repositories to the public. Obviously this has an impact on what research is currently possible, however that doesn’t mean that nothing can be done at this time.

If you’d like further information about our services currently available, please contact us at the link below.

click here button

Keep safe and well.

Stephen Peirce
Research Manager
Eneclann / Irish Family History Centre

Stephen Peirce IFHC research manager